sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2018

That long book

Finally finished reading that book.

You know,the one where they kill the main villain,but somehow there was still 100 pages to go.

It's was little painful,there was this necessity of helping everyone and settle things down on the right way on the end,the characters take too many risks and rely too much on the same person,too many unnecessary details,but somehow the ending is left open for the relationship of these two characters...

If someone wanna know,the book is Angel Isle from Peter Dickinson.

I'm not trying to shit on a dead autor who wrote 50 books in his life. The guy did know what he was doing,but in my humble opinion. This book is a mess...

The book is about this group,who lives on a secret Valley protected of the exterior world by some kind of magical shield,until it's not anymore..
They decided to search for this powerful wizard,the guy who created the shield on the first place. During the journey,they met new powerful enemies: the watchers who are evil and also wizards. The watchers rule the empire and everyone is afraid.Cuz they see and feel everything.
Also during the journey, they find a young wizard,who goes with them too. Cuz revenge! Ah also a lizard,a dog, and two more horses,(notice they already had one)
After going to many places,risking their lifes and going into another dimension,just to find the wizard. He can't do the job,but guess what? The second one,the young wizard can,so all the work they did before,it was for nothing. :D
And even after winning,guess what again? "Pirates are trying to invade this place where he stay one time,let's help everyone,we have time,there's still more 100 pages to fill!"
Oh but don't make me start on the relationships between characters.
One character, Saranja was a slave bride of this warlord,she had everything to be a interesting main character,but she's not. The main character is 12 years-old Maja a girl with the power to feel other people's powers. Yes,the only thing especially about her was feeling magic, and they need her to find the magic of the first wizard.But everytime she felt something strong she becomes weak,fragile,blind,dead..everything that damsel in distress could be. And the most strange thing is her relationship with this 40 year-old guy ribek. I know many girls have feelings for older men,it's normal to develop romantic feelings of this type at that age. But ffs, she becomes obsessive with the idea of marry him and she never give up,even after the guy said to her: " Nope,I'm too old, I don't think so.." she still keep insisting,asking for him to wait,more 6 or 5 years,until she gets older.
Even, she understands how bad this is,but she still manipulate herself into believing her love is pure and after a couple years she can finally be with him. And the funny part,ridek isn't the only male in the group,there was at least 2 more and one of them is the young wizard with 14 years-old who makes more sense actually being with Maja than old ribek.
Maybe her obsession is justified by her lack of a father figure or love in general,but it's very disturbing. And Saranja who hates men,since the beginning met this guy who is a spy and without no time,BOOM couple. That cames from nowhere ,it's almost like the autor wanted Saranja with someone else than ribek,because ribek must be for maja somehow...
The ending maja practically forces ribek waiting for her,even when the guy says" I don't know,even when you get to be an adult,I don't think it will work.." but she insisted. The guy practically said to her: "Hey,I like you,but as a father not that way,okay?".. but she's like a mosquito craving for blood,never giving up.

If the book is left open,so it's the reader who chooses the ending of this weird relationship.
I decide ribek finds a beautiful grow woman and have a lot of kids and when maja returns to see him,she'll get so mad that she kills him, his wife and the kids and then run way and turn herself into this new evil witch. Saranja backs again and defeated evil maja sending her spirit into another realm,there she becames a demon who feeds on the spiritual energy of young children that she traps on their dreams.
The end.

So did I like the book? It was okay by most part.But it is a mess,for surre.I'm happy to finished, now I can read another one.
If you made this far,sorry for the loooooong post rant,but I really had to and thanks I guess..

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